Thursday, June 17, 2010

Proof of reincarnation

Science is still working

Science is still working, wait for it to prove reincarnation.
till that time, lets play with rule which is already established. Please read till end. Don't make pre-assumption.

Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion says "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.".
now this proves religious saying- "jaise karni waisi bharni", whatever you do, you get it back.
Also it proves "no free meals" as without action there can't be any reaction.

Let me take example & scenario
1. throw a tennis ball, on sand: it wont bounce much
2. throw a tennis ball, on wooden surface: it will bounce more then earlier
3. throw a tennis ball, on solid surface: it will bounce better..

see, result depends on surface, even force & tennis ball is same.

Now real world is much complicate, you do many actions, with different force on different objects,
1. u give some food to cow, dog (daily)
2. u donate money to NGO (yearly)
3. u give beer party to all ur office friends(monthly)

obviously reaction will take time as surface is different and force is also difference.

but on thing is sure.. that there is no free meal.. whatever situations comes in ur life, is b'cas of ur actions.

Old age

Continue from.. that there is no free meal.. whatever situations comes in your life, is b'cas of your actions.

in life u take lots of decisions.. u choose country , place, job, u raise ur children ur way.. or u cant get time for your children

but once you are old, you got to depend upon others.. some gets very good life, their child's r with them to take care & others r not that lucky,
If someone in old age does some good work , like social activity or donation huge money to NGO for children, before he dies.. or someone takes a gun kill many before he suicide, Then do you think what they did, they are not going to get result of that? Many solders sacrifices their life for country, will they not get reward of their actions?


Now watch few situations..
1. one child is fucked by his own poor father & makes her pregnant.. (read recently in news paper)
2. one child is doing study & his poor father does all possible sacrifice to support child's study (story of many leaders)
3. one child has working mother, & he comes to school & tells to teacher that my mother doesn't love me (school mate of my child)
4. few children have both parents & very happy childhood
5. one child falls from 3rd floor.. (so sad).. but still alive (my mom's sister)
6. child has HIV & no father /mother (u can go to any orphanage)

think of probability of above event, its less then one in million.

As per Newton's law.. there is no free meal, there any reason for such different environment ?
Think about your life when u were child.. did you got free meals? or abuse from your near relatives.. why u r chosen for something special by nature?

believe me.. That's not just accident!!! Its all newton's law. without action there is no reaction.. but because of difference in environment where u do action, reaction can come to you immediate or long after

this world is not existed just by accident!

Very simple logic

As per all guru's/masters living or dead.. everyone's goal is to attained enlightenment

Do you think someone can achieve in one life??
If not then why people are convinced to do meditation, when someone starts meditation It takes years to learn basic.

What if life end's just after some one starts doing prayer/meditation? is their efforts are gone in vain?

Certainly not! Law will always work. People will come back to earth to get reactions of their actions.

Tricks of mind

Question: How to deal with difficult situation when someone insult you, cheat you, make fool of you?

past is gone.. To get success.. there is no place for past.

forgive them..
Only strong person can forgive.. strong from inside who can win their mind. Mind is smart, who plays tricks (he insulted me, that guy raped me, that girls cheated me, this friend steal my wife, this colleague has fooled me and got promotions.. these are tricks of mind)

Once you forgive them, You will be able to see your present.. plan you full day so that you don't have time to remember such silly things of past.

Concentrate on your goal, achieve them be successful.