Monday, August 2, 2010

Result of actions are based on intentions instead of actual actions: Shrimad Gita

There are many situations in life, cinemas where Hero (or one) decide to leave good path and walk on wrong one. Situation is like Hero does all good things, but result is not as per expectation.

Here, Is key: Result of actions (Karma) are based on intentions (Niyat) instead of action actions. at first sight, It looks same. but think little dip and its complexity.

Lets take an example of child. Kids are known for breaking things. They do fight, cry for chocolates. many things.. but still kids are always innocent and no one will advise to punish them. Why? Because those actions doesn't have intention, They do things with a flow. If you shout at them, They return it back. If you love, they return it back. so as kids doesn't have intention whatever they do, they are not getting result of those actions.

Think about who all kills human, an terrorist, police, army, animals... we surrender terrorist to law, people hate police, even they are released innocent from court, Army persons are awarded with medals and we forgive animal... action is same but results are different, its only because of intentions behind actions.

In todays situations, we mostly see actions. Its always hard to see intentions as our mind is very smart. we want one thing, but mind adds layer on that. Minds tell you that you need money, fame to achieve your goal. to get power/money, we do sorts of things. at End we really don't know why we are busy whole day and feeling emptiness at night. Good actions can be done with bad intentions. And only god can see one's intention and results are added to one's destiny. as there is difference in action and intentions, results are un-explained.

Lets our intentions be high, Nobel, Even our day to day activity is same, result will be different.

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